Count Botula BattleBot

Count Botula is a robot that I built and used to compete in the middleweight category of season 3 BattleBots when it was on Comedy Central. The middleweight category had a weight limit of 120 lbs. Season 3 took place in May 2001 in San Francisco (Treasure Island).

I went up against a spinner in my first match. I was still fighting when the time ran out but I lost by judges decision with a score of 36 - 9.

"You kept getting hit and kept coming back for more. We could't believe you were still running. We were up there in the stands calling you The Undead!"
- Another builder that watched my fight
Count Botula
Before my fight.
Count Botula After
After my fight. You should have seen the other guy!
Count Botula After
After my fight. You should have seen the other guy!

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